Bronx Housing Problem Solving Court

Hsiang-Ting Huang
Yunfai Zhang
Yini Wang
The problem-solving court, a new progressive model, used for cases like drug offenses, can be adapted to solve issues around housing.

Providing an holistic alternative process for landlords, tenants, shelters and social service organizations seeking solutions to housing issues and disputes.

NYC’s court system is flooded with housing disputes. Housing issues can be extremely disruptive to a family yet tenants are seldom properly prepared or protected. A recent study found that in housing disputes in the Bronx:

The problem-solving court, a new progressive model, used for cases like drug offenses, can be adapted to solve issues around housing.

Program Overview

From Top:
Stairs as opportunities for meeting and enjoying the view of Grand Concourse and Mullaly Park.
Floor Plans Level 10, 9, 8, 7
Vertical Green Wall
Level 10 Lounge
Level 9 Financial Support Center
Information Center & Green Square
Program Overview


Experiential Touch points
Structural & Spatial Concept